
Babies Are Not Pizzas: They’re Born Not Delivered!
by Rebecca Dekker, PhD, RN
Cindy’s Thoughts:
“I love this book, but be prepared to want to change maternal healthcare forever when you read it! The story of how Evidence Based Birth came to be and why we are failing families in America needs to be heard!”

The Great Sex Rescue
by Sheila Wray Gregiore
Cindy’s Thoughts:
“This may be the first time I have read a Christian book with a truly unbiased view of Sex. Whether this is an area you feel you are struggling with or you would just like to learn, the lessons here are invaluable and will cause you to really reexamine your own feeling about sex within a Christian marriage. Gone are the days of only pleasing your husband, this book stresses that God intended sex to be pleasurable for both spouses.”

Adventures in Tandem Nursing: Breastfeeding during Pregnancy and Beyond
by Dr. Hilary Flower
Jaime’s Thoughts:
“This is the most comprehensive resource available on the subject of tandem nursing. Dr. Flower answers all your questions, even the ones you never thought to ask. She provides research backed information alongside the personal stories of those who have gone through it..”