First, what is the Candid Seal of Transparency, and why did Birth it Forward want to achieve a Platinum Seal? Why is this seal important for those looking at giving plans?
We came across the first question at the beginning of our organization in 2019. It became a quiet goal for us and was linked to many of our other goals. We have worked diligently towards transparency as an organization since we began. Working towards our Platinum Seal has humbled us. Due to this, we have looked at our financials in detail, examined our goals, and inspected how we work.
What is the Candid Seal?
The Candid Seal of Transparency is a way for our donors to see a complete picture of who we are. It details our funding and how we make an impact as an organization.
In working towards the Candid Seals, we were able to develop our Mission Statement, verify our requirements for our Board of Directors, and decide how we are working towards the UN sustainable development goals. With this in mind, we formed a strong base for Birth it Forward. Today, the diligent work done in our first two and half years has led to an established leadership team, successful, results-driven programs, and an organization with a growth mindset.
Additionally, Candid shows a complete picture of who we employ, how our Board of Directors is run, and how we tell our story. Information about our programs, such as Birth It Forward and Mother’s Closet, is readily available, including updated metrics. We have built many of our practices around the questions we found on Candid. Using them to decide what was important to us as an organization. Overall, we believe in humble and transparent leadership, and Candid has given us an avenue toward this.
How has Birth it Forward Worked on this goal?
As a leadership team, we have carefully considered answers for each question Candid poses. As a result we have, at times dived in, added the questions to team meetings and discussed them for days at a time. Our purpose has been to ensure that we are representing BIF as the non-profit we expect it to be and to become. Each seal level, from bronze to platinum, requires various steps and additional information. In 2022, we achieved a Platinum Seal of Transparency. We are happy to announce that our donors, board members, and the public can access this information anytime.
As you choose organizations for your giving throughout the year, we hope you will search for transparent organizations. Here at Birth it Forward, we believe that open communication and transparency matter.
Thank you for your support. Because of generous giving from our donors, we reach families in the Kansas City community. Our programs, Mother’s Closet and Doula Services, run primarily from funds received at this time of year. Please take a moment to look over our Candid Profile by clicking the image below. We hope you like what you see.